In the media
- See our write-up in Fermilab News.
- Listen to an interview with ANNIE Collaborations on Science Mavericks.
- Read the ANNIE “Letter of Intent”, arXiv: 1504.01480
- Read the “Preliminary Results and Phase II Proposal”, arXiv: 1707.08222
- ANNIE Collaboration, “Measurement of beam-correlated background neutrons from the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam in ANNIE Phase-I“, Journal of Instrumentation, 2020.
- ANNIE Collaboration, “Deployment of Water-based Liquid Scintillator in the Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment”, Journal of Instrumentation, 2024.
Other Publications:
- ANNIE Data Management Plan
- Doctoral Theses
- Towards a neutron multiplicity measurement with the accelerator neutrino neutron interaction experiment
Michael Nieslony, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, January 2023. - The Accelerator Neutrino-Neutron Interaction Experiment
Teal J. Pershing, UC-Davis, January 2020. - The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment: Design, Construction, and Preparation for First Physics
Marcus O’Flaherty, University of Sheffield, May 2020. - Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Detection
Steven Gardiner, UC-Davis, January 2018.
- Towards a neutron multiplicity measurement with the accelerator neutrino neutron interaction experiment
- Master’s Theses
- Particle identification by high-resolution convolutional neural networks for next-generation neutrino experiments
David Maksimovic, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, July 2020.
- Particle identification by high-resolution convolutional neural networks for next-generation neutrino experiments
- Bachelor’s Theses
- Analysis of Waterbased Scintillator Light Yield in SANDI
Arthur Günther, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, August 2023.
- Analysis of Waterbased Scintillator Light Yield in SANDI
Talks & Seminars
- 2021
- M. Nieslony, ANNIE: Roadmap for neutron multiplicity measurement (NuSTEC, Blacksburg, VA)
- 2020
- E. Tiras, The ANNIE Experiment at Fermilab: Updates from the Physics Phase (APS-April Meeting, Washington, DC – Online)
- 2019
- V. Fischer, ANNIE: The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (Lake Louise Winter Institute 2019, Canada)
- M. Wetstein, ANNIE: Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (Fermilab Users Meeting, Batavia, IL)
- E. Tiras, Detector R&D for ANNIE and Future Neutrino Experiments (DPF2019, Boston, MA)
- M. Nieslony, The ANNIE experiment (WIN19, Bari, Italy)
- J. Eisch, The ANNIE Experiment (DPF2019, Boston, MA)
- E. Tiras, ANNIE: Phase I Results and Phase II Status (APS-April Meeting, Denver, CO)
- E. Tiras, ANNIE: Phase II Detector Design and Construction (New Perspectives, Fermilab, Batavia, IL)
- T. Pershing, ANNIE in 10 minutes, multiplicities, cross-sections and models (oh my!) (New Perspectives, Fermilab, Batavia, IL)
- 2018
- M. Wetstein, Building Small, Thinking Fast, Planning Big: New Technologies for Future Neutrino Experiments (ISU, Colloquium)
- S. Gardiner, Neutrinos Knocking Out Neutrons: The ANNIE Experiment (Fermilab Neutrino Seminar, Batavia, IL)
- J. Eisch, The ANNIE Experiment (NuInt 18, GSSI, Italy)
- J. Eisch, Reviving the Poltergeist – Bringing Water-Based Neutrino Experiments into the Precision Era with Efficient Neutron Detection (The University of Mississippi, Colloquium)
- E. Tiras, ANNIE: Phase I Physics Results and Phase II Upgrade Plans (Fermilab Users Meeting, Batavia, IL)
- L. Drakopoulou, ANNIE Phase II (TMEX 2018, Warsaw, Poland)
- L. Drakopoulou, ANNIE Phase II Reconstruction and LAPPDs (NEPTUNE 2018, Naples, Italy)
- E. Tiras, The ANNIE Experiment at Fermilab (APS April Meeting, Columbus, OH)
- E. Tiras, LAPPDs in ANNIE: A New Technology for Future Neutrino Experiments (APS-SES Meeting, Knoxville, TN)
- V. Fischer, ANNIE: The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (NNN18, Vancouver, Canada)
- 2017
- J. Wang, ANNIE: Phase I Status and Phase II plans (TIPP, Beijing, China )
- E. Tiras, An overview of the ANNIE experiment at Fermilab (New Perspectives, Fermilab, Batavia, IL)
- A. Back, Current status of ANNIE and outlook for the second phase of the experiment (Fermilab Users Meeting, Batavia, IL)
- V. Fischer, The ANNIE Experiment: Status and Perspectives (WIN, UC-Irvine)
- M. O’Flaherty, The ANNIE Experiment; Current Status and Prospects for Measurement of Neutrino Cross-Sections on Oxygen (NuInt17, Toronto, Canada)
- E. Tiras, Understanding neutron yield from neutrino interactions with ANNIE(TevPA, Columbus, OH)
- R. Svoboda, ANNIE Phase I and Plans for Phase II (TAUP, Sudbury)
- 2016
- F. Krennrich, ANNIE: Status and Future Plans (NuFact, Quy Nhon, Vietnam)
- C. McGivern, Measuring Final State Neutrons from Neutrino-Neutron Interactions Using the ANNIE Experiment (ICHEP, Chicago, IL)
- C. McGivern, The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) (Neutrino Con., London)
- J. Eisch, LAPPDs and their Applications (CPAD, Caltech)
- V. Fischer, ANNIE Phase I-Status, and Perspectives (New Perspectives, Fermilab, Batavia, IL)
- J. Eisch, ANNIE in Ten Minutes (New Perspectives, Fermilab, Batavia, IL)